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Posts posted by Admin

  1. On 4/8/2022 at 2:58 AM, Raynes Closet said:

    I have watched the step by step video and read the instructions step by step to download the firmware to my laptop. HP 15. I have turned off my virus protects and security settings for the laptop I have restarted my laptop three times. I can get the firmware to start up but once I get to step 5 and push start is then does nothing, it does not take me to yes or no option stated in the instructions. After a couple of minutes it then shows "Not Responding" message up top. I have seriously spent my whole day trying to get this to download. Can someone please help fix this issue.  

    Please try this new file :





    1) Upload firmware which I sent. 

    2) Switch on in normal mode(!!!) just turn on button . - dont put printer in Program Update mode.

     (No need to press few buttons while turn on the printer) 

    The uploading process will stuck at 70-80% - it is ok! Open task manager and stop updater process. Printer will blink for about 5-15 minutes - then will power OFF. 

    Now power on the printer - chipless firmware is installed in your printer!


    After that try to activate again.

  2. On 4/8/2022 at 5:48 PM, CHARLOTTE DUFFEY said:

    I followed the YOUTUBE video for the Epson P800 when I got to the part where the printer should do a restart my printer did not do a restart.  It seems like my printer reset to chipless did not work I get an error when I try and put the new gun chipless cartridges in the printer screen tells me to close the lid on the printer.

    Does anyone have the tech support WHATSAPP contact information?



    Yes,please,write us on What’s app if you don’t solved the problem yet.

  3. Hello!


    Please try this new file :




    1) Upload firmware which I sent. 

    2) Switch on in normal mode(!!!) just turn on button . - dont put printer in Program Update mode.

     (No need to press few buttons while turn on the printer) 

    The uploading process will stuck at 70-80% - it is ok! Open task manager and stop updater process. Printer will blink for about 5-15 minutes - then will power OFF. 

    Now power on the printer - chipless firmware is installed in your printer!


    After that try to activate again.

  4. 16 hours ago, Kevin Sub said:

    Hice una compra de 5 claves para poder usarlas en 5 impresoras diferentes, utilicé una pero al querer utilizar las otras 4 claves para resetear mis otras impresoras me lanza el error "La clave introducida no es válida, favor de intentarlo de nuevo". el número de orden donde se hizo la compra y pago es #399182. Espero una respuesta ante esto, ya que en otro foro también publiqué que compré una clave y tampoco me funcionó para poder resetear la impresora. El cual hice le proceso de compra y pago fue con el número de orden 400516.

    Espero su respuesta. Saludos 

    ¿Instaló los paquetes de Microsoft C ++ antes de ejecutar la utilidad?
    En caso afirmativo, envíeme una captura de pantalla desde el menú de descarga para que pueda ver la fecha y la hora en que se instalaron los paquetes.
    Además, el error puede deberse a que borró algunos caracteres clave o dejó espacios adicionales delante y detrás de la tecla.

  5. On 3/31/2022 at 4:35 AM, Della said:


    Please try this new file :





    1) Upload firmware which I sent. 

    2) Switch on in normal mode(!!!) just turn on button . - dont put printer in Program Update mode.

     (No need to press few buttons while turn on the printer) 

    The uploading process will stuck at 70-80% - it is ok! Open task manager and stop updater process. Printer will blink for about 5-15 minutes - then will power OFF. 

    Now power on the printer - chipless firmware is installed in your printer!


    After that try to activate again.

  6. On 3/30/2022 at 7:54 PM, Chazcov said:

    Successfully flashed the firmware (or so I thought), but the printer keeps reporting the white ink as being empty after about 5-7 pages printed.  I'm using a CISS system, and I have to "replace" the white ink carts in printer's menus.  

    I thought that the custom firmware was supposed to take care of the ink monitoring?  Did it not flash correctly?  How can I check to see if I'm running the correct chipless firmware?

    Thanks in advance,


    Here are some possible reasons why your printer prints blank forms after activating the firmware: 


  7. On 4/3/2022 at 11:40 PM, gavaga said:

    I recently purchased a license key for the Epson XP-640 (Order #398179). After installing the firmware and activating it, I was able to print a single nozzle test, but since then every time I try to print a page or do a nozzle test the printer gives me error 031002 (printhead overheating). I found another thread: https://forum.inkchip.net/topic/94-epson-xp-15000-print-error/ where the same issue was solved on the XP-15000 and was hoping I could get a solution for the XP-640 as well. Thanks!


    With the printer powered on, remove the power cord from the back. Wait 2 minutes. Plug back in the power cord and power it on. Do you still have the error?

  8. On 4/5/2022 at 3:06 PM, Olivero said:

    I've tried multiple times using:

    -USB connection

    -Network Wifi connection

    -Both type of connection

    Please help!!!! Thank you




    Please try this new file :




    1) Upload firmware which I sent. 

    2) Switch on in normal mode(!!!) just turn on button . - dont put printer in Program Update mode.

     (No need to press few buttons while turn on the printer) 

    The uploading process will stuck at 70-80% - it is ok! Open task manager and stop updater process. Printer will blink for about 5-15 minutes - then will power OFF. 

    Now power on the printer - chipless firmware is installed in your printer!


    After that try to activate again.

  9. Hi!

    This might be because there are too many printers on devices and printers. That’s what might help you: close the Activator Software, turn off your printer, go to PC and remove all printers that may be in "Devices and Printers", then turn your printer on and it will install again, then open the launcher software again and it might appear normally.

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