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  1. On 6/19/2023 at 10:58 AM, Marwan Amin said:

    Hi, I have updated firmware of Epson WF-C5710 in recovery mode, but now the printer not working, only blue power light blinks three or for time the screen show EPSON logo only and then in turn to black screen again. Please help


    Please come back to the original firmware version and check if you get the same error.

  2. 19 hours ago, maranda said:

    I am on step 6 of the firmware installation and it is stuck on "waiting for the printer to restart". what do i need to do at this point? it has literally been waiting on the printer to restart for 20 minutes now and nothing is happening?

    Screenshot 2023-06-16 181320.png


    Stop the boot process at this point through the task manager and go ahead with firmware activation.

  3. On 6/10/2023 at 3:16 PM, xaxa said:

    Vedo che anzichè il messaggio che volevo inviarvi vi è stato rispedito il precedente.

    Ecco quello che volevo dirvi:

    Mi avevate detto di scaricare il file "INKCHIP.net_Firmware_WF2860",  cosa che avevo già fatto prelevandolo dal vostro sito.

    Inizio a seguire il video in cui la prima azione da fare è di avviare il file "Inkchip.net Activation", ma non va fatta prima l'installazione e poi l'attivazione?




    The firmware installation should be done first.

  4. On 6/10/2023 at 1:50 PM, top level printing said:


    You should install the Chipless Firmware in NORMAL mode instead of UPDATE mode.

    Please read the instruction from our website carefully:
    https://inkchip.net/download/INKCHIP Instruction Method 14 (for 99 firmware).pdf

    Also, please watch the video guide from our official YouTube channel:


  5. On 6/12/2023 at 11:26 PM, maranda said:

    When I open the firmware downloader I get to step 5 and my printer isn't found through the USB. It will find it through wi-fi but the installer doesn't work through the wi-fi connection. I am in normal mode, I have read a ton of the other forums and got no where. I NEED HELP


    Make sure you used a usb cable when installing the firmware and have a stable internet,are you?


    Go to the menu devices and printers and check if the computer sees the connection to the printer.

  6. On 6/12/2023 at 10:11 PM, s.medeiros.b@gmail.com said:

    I have an epson wf 2930 ... I am trying to convert it to chipless but I cant seem to find firmware for it i cant even find replacement chips for it...plz help!!!!!


    Unfortunately, we do not have a solution for this model.


    Follow our site for new updates.



  7. 20 hours ago, Simon k said:

    I installed the WIC software for a relative recently, but there seem to be 2 counters, and only 1 reset at the time, but this allowed printing for a little bit longer, now the second counter has reached 100% while the other is showing 3.07%, the printer won't print again. I've checked it was done correctly and it matches the YouTube video for how to do this process, but at the bottom of the email is a link to firmware updates too. Is this required, as the WIC video didn't show it?

    She has emailed support, but the response didn't feel as though the person had read the email, but we really need to fix the printer as soon as possible, and I'm not sure how best to go about fixing it now


    Thank you


    Make sure you read the instructions from the letter. Are you sure the reset was successful, did you check the ink level immediately after the reset?

  8. On 6/3/2023 at 6:04 PM, Juan Silveira said:

    Buenas, detallo un poco el problema, trate de comunicarme por los otros medios pero no he podido tener una respuesta.
    Compre la llave para actualizar y sacar el problema de la gota de tinta a mi impresora epson XP231, el firmware se descarga bien, pero la activacion me da error de lectura y pues no me genera la actualizacion ni deja poner el codigo comprado.
    Agradeceria un monton si me pueden ayudar a resolver ese problema.

    Hemos respondido a su pregunta por correo electrónico. ¡El problema ha sido resuelto!

  9. 23 hours ago, Bruno said:

    Sto cercando di installare il vostro firmware nella mia stampante, una Epson WF-2860-DW, che è collegata al mio pc via LAN, tramite Powerline.

    Vi descrivo la procedura usata:
    Accendo la stampante, che ha il suo Firmware aggiornato alla versione LQ03N3.

    Spengo la stampante, scollego il cavo LAN e collego quello USB, TOLGO LE CARTUCCE, PERCHÈ IL PUNTO 8 DEL VOSTRO MANUALE RIPORTA: "È IMPORTANTE!  Non accendere la stampante dopo l'attivazione del firmware senza che i materiali di consumo siano stati installati.
    Potrebbe causare il malfunzionamento della testina di stampa della stampante.", ma precedentemente NON VIENE DETTO QUANDO VANNO SCOLLEGATE!

    La accendo, non gradisce l'assenza delle cartucce, vado comunque avanti, lancio il file INKCHIP.net_Firmware_WF2860.exe->Avanti, seleziono "Accetto"->Avanti.

    Nella schermata successiva non posso selezionare la stampante, e in "Stato" viene riportato "Declassato (impossibile aggiornare)".

    A questo punto dovete dirmi con precisione QUANDO devo togliere le cartucce.

    Cosa posso fare? Spero di non dover reinstallare la stampante con il collegamento USB.


    The original firmware of your printer cannot be downgraded to earlier version. Please, follow the instructions below.
    The firmware, which you need to use:


    Algorithm for solving the problem:
    1) Check and memorize current firmware version of your printer.
    2) Start installing the firmware in the Firmware Mode (by pressing a certain button combinations)
    3) When the firmware installation reaches 100%  you need to disconnect the power cable from your printer.
    Wait for about 10 seconds and then plug the cable in. A message will appear on your printer screen, saying that the printer is in Recovery Mode.
    4) Start installing the Inkchip firmware again, wait for the firmware to load, your printer will shut down. Turn your printer on.
    5) Check your printer's firmware version. It must be different. This means that the process was successful. 
    6) Now you need to use the Activation Program from our website and activate it with the key.
    After the activation you have to reboot your printer.
    The chipless firmware is installed on your printer!
    Please watch the instruction video from our YouTube channel for a clear explanation:
    This is just an example of the process, it does not matter which model of printer you have.

  10. 6 hours ago, livio said:

    I have tried multiple times to install firmware with same results.

    At 99% completion, I get the following pop-up message:

    The Printer's firmware was not updated.

    The firmware update did not complete. Try the following, then click [Retry].

    - Ensure that the printer is connected (USB/Wi-Fi/Ethernet) to the computer.

    - Ensure that the printer is powered on.

    Click [Retry] to perform the update again

    Click [next] to continue processing.
    I am using Windows 10.

    I tried to install firmware by another PC ant it gives me the same error.

    I follewed carefully the instrucions even by youtube.

    I can see the printer so it is clearly plugged in and turned on.

    It is connected USB to the computer.



    Please try this updated file with the Chipless Firmware:


    1) Upload the Chipless Firmware which is attached above.

    2) Turn on the printer in the NORMAL MODE (using only the power button). Do not put the printer in the UPDATE MODE.

    The loading process will get stuck at 75-85% - that is OK.

    3) With the use of the task manager stop the loading process.

    Printer will blink for about 5-15 minutes . It should then turn off automatically.

    4) Now turn on the printer - Chipless Firmware should be installed!

    5) Run the Activation Software to insert your Activation Key.

  11. On 5/31/2023 at 9:01 AM, dArc said:

    hi support,

    May I know what is the firmware version for the chipless firmware? because I bought from other seller, and their firmware made the printer LAN not working. So I want to know, whether this chipless firmware are using the same chipless firmware or not? Or do you already test the chipless firmware on the latest printer (created between 2022-2023).




    Because of the latest Epson update, this feature may not be available when the firmware version is downgraded. This problem may be solved with a new version of chipless firmware so keep an eye on the website for updates.

  12. On 5/24/2023 at 4:52 PM, Henrique Pereira said:

    boa tarde.

    o programa de ativação da epson xp 241, nao esta identificando a minha impressora que esta instalada ao computador. a impressora esta ligada e conectada via cabo USB, o computador se comunicacoma impressora normalmente, mas o soft de ativação da ink Chip nao visualiza a minha impressora.

    Por favor, tente este ficheiro actualizado com o Chipless Firmware:

    1) Carregue o Chipless Firmware que está anexado acima.

    2) Ligar a impressora no MODO NORMAL (usando apenas o botão de ligar). Não colocar a impressora no modo UPDATE.

    O processo de carregamento ficará bloqueado a 75-85% - não há problema.

    3) Com a utilização do gestor de tarefas, pare o processo de carregamento.

    A impressora ficará intermitente durante cerca de 5 a 15 minutos. De seguida, deve desligar-se automaticamente.

    4) Ligar agora a impressora - o firmware Chipless deve estar instalado!

    5) Execute o software de activação para inserir a sua chave de activação.


  13. On 5/27/2023 at 10:48 PM, Tazofwar said:

    My activation application doesn’t match the instructions. My activate online button doesn’t open a window, it just freezes my pc. Any help would be appreciated. I’m using an epson xp 4105 model. 


    Please try this updated file with the Chipless Firmware:


    1) Upload the Chipless Firmware which is attached above.

    2) Turn on the printer in the NORMAL MODE (using only the power button). Do not put the printer in the UPDATE MODE.

    The loading process will get stuck at 75-85% - that is OK.

    3) With the use of the task manager stop the loading process.

    Printer will blink for about 5-15 minutes . It should then turn off automatically.

    4) Now turn on the printer - Chipless Firmware should be installed!

    5) Run the Activation Software to insert your Activation Key.

  14. On 5/27/2023 at 9:11 PM, vic said:

    not true,not working with Australian printer. at 99 procent instalation stop and pop up mesage software was not install try again. tried 4 times, same


    Please try this updated file with the Chipless Firmware:


    1) Upload the Chipless Firmware which is attached above.

    2) Turn on the printer in the NORMAL MODE (using only the power button). Do not put the printer in the UPDATE MODE.

    The loading process will get stuck at 75-85% - that is OK.

    3) With the use of the task manager stop the loading process.

    Printer will blink for about 5-15 minutes . It should then turn off automatically.

    4) Now turn on the printer - Chipless Firmware should be installed!

    5) Run the Activation Software to insert your Activation Key.

  15. 16 hours ago, ensozh said:

    Hello and thanks for your response.

    Please help me understand.

    Actually my printer is working with 16.59.CU22LA firmware. Is it ok?

    So, I need to wait inkchip to release a new firmware version to update my Epson Printer in order to solve this issue?
    In that case, Is there any estimated date to have this new version?

    Thanks forward.



    Unfortunately, no guarantees regarding the date of release. Keep following the webpage for updates.

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