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  1. I have Epson XP 15000. I have been trying for days and days hours on end repeatedly watching my computer screen get to 99% only to fail each time. I have tried the unplugging and replugging trick according to the forum, which does not work on this printer. I have erased and re-downloaded each of the required downloads from the website several times as well, trying to install several times with each new download. I have decent internet, which I have also disconnected several things from, while trying the installation. Also watched the YouTube video as I was doing the install to be sure I was doing it correctly. Nothing is working please help as I have already paid for the access key. I also had printed out the directions from the website so I’m hoping I did just miss something.
  2. I have Epson XP 15000. I have been trying for days and days hours on end repeatedly watching my computer screen get to 99% only to fail each time. I have tried the unplugging and replugging trick according to the forum, which does not work on this printer. I have erased and re-downloaded each of the required downloads from the website several times as well, trying to install several times with each new download. I have decent internet, which I have also disconnected several things from, while trying the installation. Also watched the YouTube video as I was doing the install to be sure I was doing it correctly. Nothing is working please help as I have already paid for the access key. I also had printed out the directions from the website so I’m hoping I did just miss something.
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