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Filipe Estima

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Everything posted by Filipe Estima

  1. I bought some WorkForce machines from an outsourcing company, among them came one WF-M5799. I'm considering to use a rechargeable cartridge, which I saw at AliExpress: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005004588533690.html - any tips? I've been reading this forum for a few days before signing up today. I saw some people complaining about problems with older serial numbers and updating problems with WorkForce color models. What are the common errors when making WF-M5799 chipless? Is there anybody who can give me a heads up? By installing chipless firmware, will my printer lose any features (LAN/Wi-Fi etc)? This WF-M5799 is demanding replacement of ink bag, due to it being empty. It refuses to print; can a firmware update be done in such scenario? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I don't have experience with this kind of printer.
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