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Everything posted by TinaLR

  1. Okay, finally!!! I have a wf-3720 printer and I couldn't get the firmware to install so that my printer would show in the dropdown box to activate. In addition to what SuziniNC did above... 1) I made sure my antivirus software and firewall was temporarily disabled. 2) I combined the steps from the video and SuziniNC. When the program stalled, I unplugged the power cable, for a count of 10, and then plugged it back in again. Then once it was on again, and install was around 85%, I used task manager to end the InkChip task. 3) This was the kicker, and feels like a duh moment because most programs tell you to do this anyway when installing a new program - I restarted my computer 🤦🏽‍♀️. 4) After restarting, I disabled my antivirus and firewall again, just in case. Then started the activation tool. My printer now showed in the dropdown box where it should. Now follow the rest of SuziniNC's steps to start Activation. I had to manually restart my printer, but it FINALLY worked😁
  2. Order #430045 , printer wf-3720 - I'm getting stuck at 99% also and then it tells me the the printer's firmware was not updated and the firmware did not complete. I did try unplugging the power cord and then plugging it back in like in the video. I also tried stopping it before the fail notice but when I do that my printer is not recognized in the activation setup so I cannot enter my serial number or the activation code. Any other suggestions?
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