My original was NWO7WC...Then nw2017...This is what I found on the NW2017...(which I think is solution 99 appended)
Recovery Mode Firmware version NW20I7 for Epson XP-15000This file contains the Recovery Mode Firmware Update for the Epson XP-15000. Notes: This firmware update should only be used if your printer's control panel displays a recovery mode error. A USB cable is required. Make sure no other USB devices are connected to the computer during the update process. Do not unplug, power-off or attempt to use the printer during the update process. This update may take up to 15 minutes to complete.
My current is still the NW2017... reading it from the printer right now... but I updated it with the 99 solution from inkchip Once I sorted the copy and paste thing everything is going OK (fingers crossed) I did have a few small blobs on my prints but when I cleaned up the seal on the cartridge all was fine.
Strange thing after printing a couple of two sided brochure's using a lot of cyan the ink cartridge shows some use...all others are showing full let you know haw it pans our.